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ZW32-24 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker


Operating conditions

1. Ambient air temperature: The daily temperature variation: -40℃ ~+40℃ diurnal variation of temperature less than 25℃; 2. Altitude: no more than 2000 meters 3. Wind speed is no more than 35m/s (equivalent to 700Pa on the surface of the cylindrical); 4. Ice cover thickness no more than 10mm; 5. The intensity of sunshine not more than 1000W/m ² 6. Pollution degree no more than GB 5582 IV class 7. Seismic intensity does not exceed 8 class 8. No flammable, explosive, chemical corrosion and severe vibration place 9. the conditions of use exceed the above-mentioned regulations, it shall be determined through consultation between the user and the manufacturer.

Quoted standard

1. GB 1984-2003 AC high voltage circuit breaker 2. GB 3309-1989 Mechanical test of high voltage switchgear at room temperature 3. GB 5582-1993 The pollution level of insulating high voltage electric power equipment 4. GB 1985-2004 AC high voltage isolation switch and earthing switch 5. GB/T 11022-1999 Common technical requirement for high voltage switch equipment and control equipment standard 6. GB 16927.1-1997 The first part of high voltage test techniques: General test requirements 7. DL/T 402-2007 Technical conditions for AC high voltage circuit breaker order 8. DL/T 593-2006 The common technical specification of high voltage switch equipment and control equipment standards

Technical data

Table 1
Item Unit Parameter
Rated voltage kV 24
Rated insulation level 1min Power frequency withstand voltage Dry test kV 65/79 (isolation fracture)
Wet test kV 50/64 (isolation fracture)
The auxiliary circuit and control circuit kV 2
Lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak) kV 125/145 (isolation fracture)
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated current A 630, 1250
Rated operating sequence O-0.3s-CO-180s-CO
Rated short-circuit breaking current kA 16 20 25
Rated short-circuit closing current (peak) kA 40 50 63
Rated peak withstand current kA 40 50 63
Rated short-time withstand current kA 16 20 25
Rated short circuit duration S 4
Rated short-circuit breaking current times Times 20/25
Breaking Times of rated current Times 10000
Closing time ms 20~80
Opening time Under maximum operating voltage ms 20~80
Under rated operation voltage ms 20~80
Under lowest operating voltage ms 20~80
Full off time Times ≤100
Mechanical life J 10000
Switch on power W 70
Energy storage motor rated input power V ≤70
Rated operational voltage and auxiliary circuits rated voltage V DC, AC 220
Energy storage time under rated voltage S ≤8
Overcurrent release Rated current A 5
Tripping current accuracy % ±10
Circuit breaker after assembly and adjustment should meet the requirements of Table 2
Item Unit Parameter
Open clearance between contacts mm 13±1
Contact overtravel mm 3±1
Average opening speed m/s 1.5±0.2
Average closing speed m/s 0.8±0.2
Contact closing bounce time ms ≤3
Three-phase tripping over the same period of time ms ≤2
DC resistance of circuit for every phase (with isolating switch) μΩ ≤60(150)
Allowable wear thickness for dynamic and static contact mm 3
Phase center distance mm 380±1.5
The closing state rated contact spring pressure N 2000±200
Circuit breaker equiped isolation switch rated parameters
Item Unit Parameter
Rated voltage KV 24
Rated frequency Hz 50
Rated current A 1250
Rated peak withstand current kA 50
Rated short-time withstand current kA 20
Rated short circuit duration s 4
Mechanical life Times 2000
Isolation switch fracture operation torque N*m ≤300
Contact blade spring pressure N 300±30
Rated terminal static mechanical load Horizontal longitudinal load N 500
Horizontal transverse load N 250
Vertical force N 300

Overall and mounting dimensions(mm)

1. lower outlet 2. current transformer 3. upper inlet 4. insulating pillar 5. the vacuum interrupter 6. wire guides 7. flexible connection 8. insulated tension pole 9. actuator 10. case

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