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LZZBJ18 Current Transformer


Technical data

1. Rated insulation level: 10kV:12/42/75kV; 20kV:24/65/125kV 2. Power factor of load: cosΦ=0.8(lagging) 3. Rated secondary current: 5A(or 2A,1A) LZZBJ18-10/150b/2 Type
Rated primary current (A) 1s thermal current (kA virtual value) Dynamic  standing   current   (kA peak) Accuracy class combination (1S/2S) Rated secondary output(VA)
0.2S 0.5 5P15  10P15
20 2 5 0.2/0.5/10P10 0.2/0.5/5P10 0.5/0.5/10P10 0.2/0.2/10P10 0.5/0.5/5P10 0.2/0.2/5P10 10 10 15
30 3 7.5
40-50 5.4 13.5
75 8.1 20.2
100 10.8 27
150 16.2 40.5
200 24.3 60.7
300 37.8 94.5
400 48.6 121.5
500 63 150
600-630 63 150 15
800-1000 100 250
1200-1600 110 270
2000 175 425 10
LZZBJ18-10/185h/2 Type
Rated primary current (A) 1s thermal current (kA virtual value) Dynamic  standing   current   (kA peak) Accuracy class combination (1S/2S) Rated secondary output(VA)
0.2S 0.2 0.5 5P10 10P10 5P15 10P15
10-40 200I th 250I th 0.2/0.2 0.2/0.5 0.2/10P 0.5/10P 0.2/5P 0.5/5P 10 10 15 20 10
50-100 250I th 625I th
150-300 45 100
400-500 100 250
600-1000 140 350 15 20 30 15
1200-1600 170 425
2000-3150 240 600
LZZBJ18-10/150b/4 Type
Rated primary current (A) 1s thermal current (kA virtual value) Dynamic  standing   current   (kA peak) Accuracy class combination (1S/2S) Rated secondary output(VA)
0.2S 0.2 0.5 5P10 10P10 5P15 10P15 5P20 10P20
20-150 150Ith 375Ith 0.2/0.2 0.2/0.5 0.5/0.5 0.2/10P10 0.5/10P10 0.5/10P10 10 10 15 15 10
200 36 90
300 45 100
400-500 63 150
600-630 63 150 20 15 10
800-1000 100 250
1200-1600 110 270 15
2000 175 425 10
2500 175 425 15
LZZBJ18-10/150b/4 Type
Rated primary current (A) 1s thermal current (kA virtual value) Dynamic  standing   current   (kA peak) Accuracy class combination (1S/2S) Rated secondary output(VA)
0.2S 0.2 0.5 5P10 10P10 5P15 10P15 5P20 10P20
20-150 150Ith 375Ith 0.2(S)/0.2(S) 0.5/0.5 0.2(S)/10P(5P) 0.5/10P(5P) 10 10 15 30 20 15
200 36 90
300 45 100
400-500 63 150
600-630 63 150 15 20 20
800-1000 100 250
1200-1600 110 270
2000 175 425 15 15
2500 175 425
Model LZZBJ18-10/185h/4 type thermal standing current
Rated primary current (A) 10-40 50-100 150-300 400-500 600-1000 1200-1600 2000-3150
1s thermal current (kA virtual value) 200Ith 250Ith 45 100 140 170 240
Dynamic standing current (kA peak) 500Ith 625Ith 100 250 350 425 600
Model LZZBJ18-10/185h/4 combination of accuracy grade and corresponding secondary output
Accuracy class combination 10-200A 300-600A 800-1250A 800-1250A
0.2 (S) 0.2 0.5 10P 10 10P 15 10P 20 0.2 (S) 0.2 0.5 10P 10 10P 15 10P 20 0.2 (S) 0.2 0.5 10P 10 10P 15 10P 20 0.2 (S) 0.2 0.5 10P 10 10P 15 10P 20
0.2(S)/10P 0.5/10P 0.2(S)/0.2(S)/0.5/0.5 10 10 20 40 30 20 10 10 20 40 30 20 10 15 20 60 40 30 10 15 20 60 40 30
0.2(S)/0.5/10P 10 10 15 30 20 15 10 10 15 40 30 20 10 15 20 50 40 30 10 15 20 50 40 30
0.2(S)/10P/10P 0.5/10P/10P 10 10 15 20 15 10 10 15 30 20 10 15 15 30 20 15 10 15 15 50 30 20
0.2(S)/0.5/10P/10P 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 15 15 20 15 10 15 15 20 15
0.2/0.2/0.5/10P 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 15 15 30 20 10 15 15 30 20

Single ratio wiring diagram

LZZBJ18-10/150b/2 type(equivalent to AS12/150b/2S) LZZBJ18-10/185h/2 type(equivalent to AS12/185h/2S) LZZBJ18-10/150b/4 type(equivalent to AS12/150b/4S) LZZBJ18-10/185h/4 type(equivalent to AS12/185h/4S) LZZBJ18-10 Single-winding mutual inductance electrical

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